The temples near BLITAR

Plumbangan or Watu Lawang, Kotes, Wringlin Branjang, Gambar Wetan, Sumbernanas, Kalicilik, Mleri or Pertapaan, Bara, Sumberjati or Simping, Jimbe, Arca Gaprang, Sawentar.


Many ruins of temples are around Blitar unfortunately, it remains very often only pieces of bases, some stone heaps organized more or less well. Their research is worth seeing because the landscape is superb. You will be able to see, for example, of wide of sheets of tobacco drying, or to walk in a covered lunar decoration of gray volcanic dusts, recalling you that you are on the slopes of a volcano always in activity.

Candi Plumbangan or Candi Watu Lawang :

This temple lies in the village of Plumbangan, Doko subdistrict.

C. Watu Lawang

One can see a reconstituted gate and a large stone with inscriptions.



C.Watu LawangC.Watu Lawang

Some sculptures do not miss interests, in particular one of Durga sitting, surely on her lion, and the feet posed on the back of the buffalo demon , also the image of Surya, the sun god , the legs crossed on its carriage drawn by seven horses.

Candi Kotes :

C. Kotes


It is located in the village of Kotes Gandusari subdistrict 25 km at the east of Blitar.
There too, several pieces of buildings were reconstituted in a small park.



Candi Wringlin Branjang :

The site is in the village of Gadungan, lost on the slope of a volcano, Gandusari subdistrict.



It was a site in terraces - at least three - and which one can still see several buildings or remainders of buildings.


Candi Gambar Wetan :

This temple lies in the village of Sumbersari, Nglegok subdistrict.

C.Gambar Wetan

One is welcomed by a guard of the directions, certainly the one of the East, who is armed with a club. A flight of steps leads to the sanctuary.



All in top of the staircases, one finds in a splendid decoration, the base of a temple.


Candi Sumbernanas :

One finds it in the village of Candirejo, Ponggok subdistrict, in the west of Blitar.



It only remains well little of things of this temples if not a heap of stones as a base of the temple.



Candi Kalicilik :

Also located in the village of Candirejo, Ponggok subdistrict , this one is much more interesting because it misses only the capital so that it is complete.


It is a structure of brick of tower type, on the model of Candi Singosari. Its decorations are limited to heads of Kala and vegetable carvings.


Candi Mleri or Candi Pertapaan:


The site is in the village of Bagelanan, Srengat subdistrict.

Unfortunately there is no more temple.



But some stones and some sculptures arranged with an esthetic preoccupation, recall us that there was a large sanctuary.


Candi Bara :


Built in 1239 in the village of Tuliskaiyo, it is about an immense statue of a three meters height Ganesha, only remainder of a sanctuary certainly built out of wood. Its terrible aspect is represented on his back. It is indeed frightening.

Candi Sumberjati ou Candi Simping :



Candi Simping is situated in the village of Sumberjati, Kademangan subdistrict.
Built at the beginning of the 14th century in the honor of king Martarajasa, first king de Mojopahit, one sees the bases, more or less reconstituted of several temples.


c. simping



Around many vestiges of the buildings like this series of heads of Kala are deposited.


Candi Jimbe :

c. jimbe


In the village of Jimbe, Kademangan subdistrict, is a kekunaan - a lapidary museum - in which are stored some parts coming from the local temple. A large stone base of a square pillar is also visible outside.


Arca Gaprang :

arca gaprang



In the village of Gaprang, one can still see some statues (arca), in particular an impressive " guard ".


Candi Sawentar :

This temple is situated in the village of the same name, Kanigoro subdistrict, in the north of Blitar.

c. sawentar



Built about 1230, it is an unfinished building of square plan. It seems to be dedicated to Vishnu because in the cella was an image of Garuda.


c. sawentar


Apart from the heads of Kala , this temple does not offer sculpture.
One will note nevertheless the "design" of the rise of staircase.


Reliefs of PanataransummaryaccueilKediri